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It's Not About Us

Over 2,000 years ago, a man prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane awaiting a fate that even he knew he had to accomplish. A fate that resulted in him dying an excruciating death in order for every person on earth to live. He, our Savior, fell before his father and said,

"My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39

Knowing death awaits him, he stood to face his betrayer fully prepared and willing to fulfill the will of His fathers before his own. Let me emphasize this, he chose to fulfill his father's will before his own. What if Jesus, at this point had said, "Alright Dad, I feel like you want me to do this, but I'm not sure I really want to die. I mean, it's going to be painful. I'm going to have to sacrifice my entire life for this. You're asking too much from me." And walked away. Where would we be today? In wisdom, obedience and love, our Savior stepped up and said, "It is NOT my will that I seek, but YOURS alone."

How would your life be different if you sought the Lord's will for your life before your own? I'll tell you one thing, you would be blessed. You would be serving a faithful God and he would bless you. Your life would hold more joy than you thought you would ever experience. You would sacrifice a lot, but every piece would be worth it.

Our Savior sacrificed is entire life. He carried the cross in terrible heat, getting lashed on the left and the right with whips. He wore thorns that pierced his skin and sent streams of blood down his face. People either turned their faces or were personally involved in the beating. Even one of his disciples denied him. He was mocked, spit on, and struck multiple times. He was literally nailed--his hands and feet--to the same wood he carried. He hung feeling the full weight of his body--the FULL WEIGHT OF SIN--all for us. His crucifixion was for us, so that our life would be lived for HIM ALONE. He, an innocent man, died willingly for so many guilty others. His earthly mother knelt below him weeping. He was taken to a tomb where guards were placed on either side of him to make sure his body wasn't stolen. 3 days passed by. His closest family and friends mourned for the Son of God, the Savior of all.

But the best part of the story is yet to come. After 3 days passed, a great earthquake happened and an angel of the Lord descended from heaven. The angels appearance was like lightning and his clothing was as white as snow. The stone that had once set before the tomb was rolled away. When the women showed up at the tomb, the angel said,

"Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:2

Do not miss this. Our Savior died for our sin, but he ROSE AGAIN. He is a living God. He is never changing. He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father as I type this. Even death could not conquer him. He is power. He is love. He is our Savior.

And who do you live your life for? This life we live on earth is temporary. It is not home. It will never be home. And soon, we will not longer be here. But an eternity awaits for those who follow this man. Those who lay their life down for him. He is not silent. Every day, I wake up and hear his voice--feel him guiding me. And I'll tell you what, even in sacrificing my friends, family, and the comfort of living in America, the Lord has given me more joy than I can ever imagine. HE IS FAITHFUL. My life is His. And his grace, his mercy, his love ABOUNDS in my life every single day.

I was recently listening to a podcast from Gateway church back at home, and Pastor Robert talked about how the Lord promises eternal life but he also promises abundant life. If you have salvation, and you believe, you will experience eternal life when your time on this earth is complete. But the Lord also promises ABUNDANT life which happens here. If you continue believing, and you live for God alone, you will experience abundant life on earth.

So what are you waiting for? Live for our Savior, the King. Come before him and he will wash you clean, start you afresh, and bless you in your sacrificial living for him. Trust me, I've experienced it. And this joy I feel can only come from Him alone.

This weekend is not about bunnies. It's not about Easter eggs. It's not even about having a wonderful weekend with family. This weekend is about remembering and celebrating what the Lord has done for each individual standing on this earth.

It's just not about us.

Lord I long to sit in your presence. My life is yours. I surrender all, my faithful God. I worship you alone. I pray for the eyes that will read this today. I pray for their salvation. I speak ABUNDANT life in their lives. I ask for you to speak clearly Lord. MOVE Lord. Shake people to wake them up. Lord open my eyes to the needs of others--that I may intercede for them in prayer. My soul longs for you Lord. My heart cries out for you.

"My soul longs and even faints for the courts of the Lord. Lord my heart and my flesh cry out for you, O God. You're my sun and shield, you give grace and glory. No good thing will you withhold from those who seek your face.

Just as the deer pants for the water brook so pants my soul for you O God.

Set my heart on a pilgrimage, through the valley of weeping I will go. I set my heart on a pilgrimage until I appear before God in Zion." Matt Gilman


  1. Beautiful post and so very true! Also remember your family cries for you and prays constantly for your well being!!!


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